Just a few days ago I went on a shopping adventure at Ikea. I must say, I love Ikea alot. The stuff is stylish, fun, and most importantly, affordable. I decided to get a new piece of furniture for my bed room. In getting this, I had to wait on three different lines. One line to order the actual piece, another line to pay for the piece, and finally, the line to actually pick it up. Ikea on weekends is a mad house, so I warn you not to go unless it is on a week day.
While I was making my way through the store, I noticed people from all different kinds of ethnic backgrounds. I think that is awsome because on your left you can hear a conversation in Swedish, and on your right you can hear a conversation in Japanese. But one thing that caught my attention for sure was a Japanese girl wearing a catholic school girl uniform with white leg warmers and stylish sneakers. I found this to be incredibly awsome because in Japan, especially Tokyo, it is all the rage to wear leg warmers with your school uniform. Just about every Japanese school girl you see in Japan follows this fashion trend which I find very stylish. To top it off, she also had a bunch of cell phone charms dangling from her cell phone. This too is popular in Japan, hence why I too have cell phone charms for my phone. Seeing this Japanese girl made me happy because I felt as if I got a small taste of Japan, which I plan to visit soon. I always see people in Japanese films and photographs following Japanese pop culture, but I never see many Asian people follow these trends in America. I am a sucker for Japanese pop culture, and I follow it frequently.
Aside from the really cool Japanese girl, there were many people at Ikea who were well dressed. Many of the shoppers were wearing really hip and fitted clothing. Besides from looking at the merchandise at Ikea, it is also worth it to notice your fellow shopper's outfits.