Plastic Bombs.

Okay, so I know I have not really updated my fashion blog in about a month. I really haven't had the time to make new clothes, finish the unfinished projects, photograph finished germents, or find a model to wear my clothing.
I finally had the time to construct an over the top dress using some of my favorite materials, clear plastic garbage bags, bubble wrap, and finally an old H&M shopping bag. I love to work with fabrics clothing is not usually made out of because it gives the final product an interesting cutting edge look. It's also not too difficult to work with, and usually you can get materials, like plastic bags, for free!
I am finished consrtucting the dress. All I have to do is basically sew it together, which I am more or less dreading. When I am done sewing it, I will then search for some one to model it for me, and hopefully fit into it. I worked with no pattern at all. I even put in darts so it could fit a woman's chest and not look too boxy. To put the finishing touches on this garment I made a necklace made out of an old telephone wire. It adds to the whole chaotic look to the outfit. This was a fun project for me, and I also learned things such as how to use a broken piece of crap dress form, how to make darts, and constructing a garment without a pattern. This won't be the last outfit I make out of recycled materials.

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